FOIA provides for the collection of fees for:
► Searches: Time spent in looking for and retrieving material, either paper or electronic files, that may be responsive to the request, including personnel hours (clerical and professional) or computer time.
► Reviews: Time spent to determine if the record is releasable under legal guidelines, excluding the resolution of legal or policy issues. This includes blacking out or redaction of text.
► Reproduction: Generating a copy of a requested record in the appropriate medium, for example paper or computer disk.
Category: Educational & Scientific
Search Cost: None
Review Cost: None
Reproduction Cost: First 100 pages are free; 15 cents per page after
Category: Commercial & All Others
Search Cost: Clerical: $20/hour | Professional: $44/hour | Executive: $75/hour
Review Cost: Clerical: $20/hour | Professional: $44/hour | Executive: $75/hour
Reproduction Cost: 15 cents per page
Category: News Media
Search Cost: None
Review Cost: None
Reproduction Cost: First 100 pages are free; 15 cents per page after