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Purpose of Application

Applicant Information

(All Applicants Complete This Section)

Applicant Qualifying Information

(All Applicants Complete This Section)

You must read AR 25-6 and AM1 documents before you speak to an Army MARS Leader. If you have NOT, Army MARS Headquarters will refer you back to these documents to read.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Are you a current user of unlawful user of illicit drugs?
Have you ever been declared mentally incompetent?
Are you currently under indictment in any court?
Are you associated with terrorist organizations?
Have you ever been discharged from the Armed Forces under other than honorable conditions?

Station Qualifying Information

(All Applicants Complete This Section)

Membership Agreement

(All Applicants Complete This Section)

Participation in MARS is a voluntary activity undertaken by qualified amateur radio operator/citizens who contribute their time and use of personal communications equipment to achieve the objectives of the Department of Defense. The activity is strictly voluntary, and the US Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army, or US Army NETCOM provide no compensation, reimbursement, insurance, or other benefits to volunteers. Volunteers are free to separate from MARS at any time. MARS is a structured organization and utilizes volunteers in leadership positions to direct, train and oversee activities. Members are authorized to operate on government radio frequencies; and are required to meet minimum qualifications, equipment and recurring training goals. MARS members will hold unclassified but sensitive information; the nature of Defense activities require high degree of personal discretion and professional conduct. 

I understand the voluntary nature of MARS and agree to utilize my personal radio equipment and contribute my time in support of the defense requirements of the United States, at my own risk and without compensation. I understand it may be necessary to modify my radio equipment to operate on government frequencies, to complete required training, to meet minimum participation requirements and to participate in ongoing training and exercises.

I agree to share sensitive information only with authorized individuals whom have a need to know. I will not reveal sensitive information which has become known to me through MARS to unauthorized parties or in public forums. I will comply with all Army MARS rules, policies, regulations and directives; cooperate fully with the MARS volunteer leadership and staff, as well as the government officials and their contractors who have oversight of MARS.

Agency Disclosure Notice

The public reporting burden for this collection of information, OMB#0702-0140 is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.


Privacy Act Statement


PRINCIPAL PURPOSE: To request consideration to join the Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) program. The information requested on this form is for the purpose of establishing, renewing, or modifying MARS membership. The form will be maintained as part of official Army MARS records. The information on this form may be made available to personnel at HQ Army MARS, Army MARS volunteer leaders in the Regions and States, and US Military and Federal Government agencies.

ROUTINE USE(S): To provide basic applicant information necessary to determine the applicant's eligibility to join and support the MARS program and the MARS mission. Additional Routine Users can be found in system records notice DMDC 02, at ver=2019-12-09-111827-743

DISCLOSURE: The information requested on this form is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information may result in disapproval of the application.

Penalty for presenting false claims or making false statements in connection with claims: fine of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to five years of both.


The instructions for completing the Application to Operate a MARS Station Form AM-1 should be closely followed to ensure accurate data collection and to preclude over collection of information. Sections Purpose of Application, Applicant Information, Applicant Qualifying Information, Station Qualifying Information, Membership Agreement and Certification of this form should be completed.


(All Applicants Complete This Section)

I affirm all information on this application is correct and any false statement may be cause to deny membership in MARS and the issuance of an Authorization to Operate. I understand I am required to notify US Army NETCOM ITSMD/MARS if there are any changes pertaining to the information on this form and further understand that failure to report such changes may be grounds for revocation of MARS membership and the Authorization to Operate.

My submission of this form constitutes evidence of understanding and agreement to comply the terms of the membership agreement on this form.

Internal Use Only

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