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Request For Speaking Engagements
Thank you for your interest in the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, NETCOM! Our goal is to offer knowledgeable, engaging speakers who can discuss a wide variety of topics with the community, when possible.

Please send a request with the 5 W's to the email addresses listed below. Please send the request at least 60 days before the event dates, as this will allow for us to forward you a *NETCOM SPEAKER REQUEST FORM to complete and return. Once the form is received we will process through scheduling and legal to see if we can support.

*NOTE: The information requested in the NETCOM SPEAKER REQUEST FORM is required to evaluate the event appropriateness and compliance with Department of Defense policies and for coordination with the units involved. Please note that the Army's potential participation cannot be used in advertisements.
Speaker Request Forms

Please fill out and submit the following form.
Contact Information

NETCOM Special General Staff