The Signal Cove of Remembrance is a tribute to all the fallen men and women of the U.S. Army Signal Corps (Soldiers, Civilians, and Contractors) who perished in the Pentagon on 9/11, on the battlegrounds of Southwest Asia in Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and IRAQI FREEDOM, and during contingency operations since. Non-Signal Soldiers, assigned to support Signal units during these operations, are also featured in the Signal Cove memorial.
The memorial was commissioned in early 2006 and completed in late 2008.
Artistic elements include the work of Mr. Brian Donohue (Signal Torch/Eternal Flame); the Paccard Bell Foundry of Annecy-le-Vieux in France (Liberty Bell ½ size replica); and master etcher and artist Michael McDonald, himself a veteran Soldier of more than 20 years in the U.S. Army, who fashioned the Wall of Remembrance and many other aspects of this memorial to our Signal Heroes.
Window graphics were developed and provided by AZ Pro Signs, Inc., of Phoenix, Arizona. The Cove structure was prepared under Directorate of Public Work contract. The stained glass was commissioned by Ochoa Stained Glass; who designed, created, and installed the massive work of art in September of 2020.