NETCOM Industry Engagement Team
Some Key Points:
The NETCOM Industry Engagement Team appreciates and looks forward to working with our industry partners in developing constructive relationships in support of our Lines of Effort: Readiness, People, and Continued Improvement.
Companies interested in working with our organization are encouraged to review the NETCOM Industry Engagement Request Form resource found in the Resources You May Need section below to coordinate their initial meeting with our team to review their products, services, and capabilities through presentations, product demonstrations, and/or briefings.
The information provided will be used to evaluate each solution in a transparent manner to ensure equal access and uniform consideration within our command.
Listed below are general expectations before, during and after the meeting:
Initial meeting is virtual and 15 minutes. The meeting is a focused discussion and introduction to your company and highlights products, capabilities, and services.
Provide a copy of prepared presentations 48 hours prior. Additional information is welcome and encouraged.
Confirm scheduled meeting. Cancellations happen, we can and will reschedule. Please be flexible as well.
Your information, presentation, and any additional details will be provided to the NETCOM command for their review.
After the initial meeting, we will contact you if there is an interest in additional engagements.
[NETCOM Industry Engagement Request Form]